If you are reading this, it probably means that you have some level of interest in knowing how to be a more responsible consumer of clothing, footwear and accessories. And even though a lot of the responsibility for ethical products should be on the shoulders of the brands, it is crucial for consumers to ask questions.
It is also important for the consumers to become more knowledgeable of their part of the equation.
What is my style?
Why do I buy?
Where do I shop?
What are deciding factors, when I choose what to buy?
Where are my clothes made?
Am I willing to buy more responsible items, if they are available?
What do I actually wear out of the clothes I own?
Why do I only wear part of the clothes in my closet?
How do I like my clothes to fit?
What kind of materials do I like?
What kind of colors do I feel comfortable in?
Did I learn anything about myself while doing this self assessment?